Tuesday, May 27, 2014

According to Renee: The Honest Truth

I am honestly all the way in my feelings on this fine evening. I have not been much of a dater in my 19 years of life, but I have been in relationships here and there. These darn things just never seem to work out. I have these high and sometimes unreachable standards that guys start off reaching, and then they sort of fail. They get into their heads, and I get into mine. I don't think that there is any problem with having standards, or setting them high, it truly is them and not me ( I PROMISE).

I was listening to this song that sort of lyrically said some of the amazing things I think a guy should want to strive for, for his woman. I mean, come on, is it bad that I respect myself enough to expect respect. I THINK NOT.

I am not looking for the perfect guy, but someone who strives to see me joyous, and will in turn cause me to think the same of them. In all actuality, many people my age have experienced so much more than me. (I would like to take a *pause* and say, " I am grateful for my upbringing.") I had parents that watched my every move, wanted to meet my friends, and as a child I guarantee you it bothered me. Things then changed, the older I got, the more I realized that they had my best interest in heart, like no one else can. They wanted to always know where I was so they could find me at any point in time. They wanted to know who I associated with so if they could not find me, they knew exactly who to go to.

You want the HONEST TRUTH: I will never be an average woman. After about making a couple of mistakes in my choices with young men, I stopped. I realized that jumping in and out of relationships is never going to get me anywhere. Saying the word love every time I jump in and out is not very smart either. Creating amazing friendships is a lot more important than constantly having to take the "next step." If someone cares about you, they will wait. They will give you all the time you need, while taking the time to evaluate themselvesl. The honest truth is, I do not hate relationships. I despise seeing unhealthy relationships, and seeing one take and one never give. Relationships are more than just feelings and touchy-touchy, and more than taking (LOL). It is about the mind, and the heart, and the body, and the soul. If all are not in alignment with each other, then where should it really go. If the first thought between two individuals is the "intimacy" then, HONEST TRUTH, it will be strictly about that. Don't take my advice and go absolutely insane on anyone, I am not a therapist or a psychiatrist, or a "relationship expert." I am just a young adult who grew up in a very christian/bible based environment, and that alone can do amazing things to the mind.

My goal for this next year is to find out what God wants to do with my relationships and I. Not just a dating relationship, but even my friendships. Seeing where these people will specifically lead me, because they do say, "You are who you hang around." That alone should make anyone dig a little deeper, and that is the HONEST TRUTH.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Good Morning

It is always a good morning here in my home. The noise of the people on our roof is just so amazing. I woke up this morning not sure what to bring your way. So, I figured I would explain my daily morning. I have been on amazon for the past 3 days looking for an awesome I-phone 5s case, and finally I have found one. It is a "Hakuna Matata" case. I absolutely love Lion King, I can say that it is one of the best Disney movie ever. All the while, I ate some great jumbalaya rice with sausage. Yes, for breakfast. I know it is not the best breakfast, but it was a breakfast for a champion, LOL.

With all of this, I watch either the Food Channel or HGTV. I love to watch homes get designed. I am actually pretty awesome at designing a room. I call my design style "Simply Modern with a Vibrant Twist."  Below You will see some of my designs. Early morning feedback is always great.
I am going to leave you to tell me what you think of some of my designs.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Well, Hello There!

Now, I need you to listen, and listen CLOSELY. I have been such a confused blogger this past year. From fashion, to beauty ( fashion meaning clothing, and beauty meaning makeup, and nails) . Nothing has gone to plan, and nothing has gone my way, that was God intervening. (Yes, I am a Christian.)

Well, I am still confused, but this blog is going to bring me to a more even thought process. I mean just last week, I was going to stop writing all together, but then something awesome caught my eye, and I just could not stop a great gift that I possess. My name is Renee' (this is not my first name, but my middle name). I am a openly confused blogger, who wants to share the amazing experiences that life is going to bring me this summer. Well, I hope you enjoyed my hello's, but this is only the beginning of our voyage.